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February (1)
January (1)
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August (1)

Global News & Updates

We have moved!

As business has progressed we have found that our previous office base had become unsuitable for our needs and we have sought alternate facilities.

We are pleased to advise that the perfect solution has been found, and we have moved to a new office, along with our friends and close working relation Creative Supply Services in Oldham.
art typing your update here…

Products available in Italy

Silmed Ltd are delighted to announce the appointment of Farmacare S.r.l Bologna Italy as their distributor for the Italian pharmacy market. Farmacare® are a well-established distributor of quality medical devices nationwide to all 16,000 pharmacies. Our range of quality consumable medical devices are an excellent addition to Farmacare’s extensive range of medical devices and are seen as a valuable asset to help them further advance their relationships with the Italian Pharmacy trade.

Silmed are excited at the prospect of providing the Italian market through the good offices of Farmacare and providing our quality products to help the well-being of the patients that require them.

Medica Visit

Silmed visited Medica in Dusseldorf last month and were able to meet with many old friends and new contacts. Thank you for all the positive comments recieved.

UKTI Export Week

Howard Lewer, our Business Development Director, attended the Export Week event held by UKTI North West today, receiving valuable insight into developing business in the Middle East.

Silmed Ltd has a new website!

Good news for all our associates, we have a new website. You can now read up on our latest news, see what customers have had to say, view our product range and new developments with just the click of a button.